Pentaho News, Agreement with Hitachi Data Systems


Hitachi Data Systems is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd., providing information technologies, services and solutions to help companies improve IT cost and agility. Pentaho and HDS share a common vision of the impact big data will have on our industry and society as a whole. Pentaho will be a strategic part of the HDS initiative called Social Innovation, to deliver business solutions that integrate machine data, information technology and analytics, and accelerate the deployment of big data solutions.


As our customer, you are our priority. Pentaho will continue to provide its open data integration and business analytics platform as an independent offering, supporting all the heterogeneous hardware and deployment environments we do today. We remain committed to improving and expanding our software platform for embedded and advanced analytics, as well as to further strengthening our data integration and orchestration capabilities. Our current license structure and agreements for the standalone Pentaho platform will remain the same for the foreseeable future, with a continued commitment to our open source heritage and architecture.

Following the intended acquisition, Pentaho will retain its brand and operate as an independent organization nested within the HDS family. Our executive team and employees will remain intact. The significant resources, expertise, and global presence of HDS offer you a broader foundation for enhanced innovation and support.

Pentaho customers will see benefit both now and into the future from the financial investment of HDS. Even as we continue to invest in the expansion and acceleration of the Pentaho Business Analytics platform, we will also be part of the HDS team building Social Innovation solutions that will accelerate the adoption and ROI of big data deployments. We are excited to share more on the integration and our go-to-market plans after close, which is expected in late April or early May.

Our guiding principle during this time is to stay focused on your success. I look forward to our future. It is a bright one.

Best Regards,

Quentin Gallivan Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Pentaho